Guided by God's Hands

Protection of Children

Reporting Misconduct by Instructional Personnel and Administrators

All employees and administrators have an obligation to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. Examples of prejudice or bigotry, sexual innuendo, cheating or testing violations, physical aggression, and accepting or offering favors. Reports of misconduct of employees should be made to the School Principal: Lisa Kempinski, 954-476-5200, Reports of misconduct committed by administrators should be made to the Superintendent of Schools at the Archdiocese of Miami: Dr. Jim Rigg, 305-762-1076,

Legally sufficient allegations of misconduct by Florida Certified Educators will be reported to the Office of Professional Practices Services. Policies and procedures for reporting misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student are posted in the "Teacher's Lounge" and on our website at

Reporting Child Abuse, Abandonment or Neglect

All employees and agents have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment or neglect. Call 1-800-86-ABUSE or report online at

Signs of Physical Abuse

The child may have unexplained bruises, welts, cuts, or other injuries; broken bones; or burns. A child experiencing physical abuse may seem withdrawn or depressed, seem afraid to go home or may run away, shy away from physical contact, be aggressive, or wear inappropriate clothing to hide injuries.